Pay It Forward

When a woman joins Integrity Beauty Women of Excellence, she becomes an ambassador that supports the needs of people who are going through difficulties in their lives. Members of Integrity Beauty Women of Excellence are representatives of Christ with a desire to give back to the world.

Integrity Beauty Women of Excellence recognizes March 30 as the annual Helen L. Albert Day of Prayer and Paying It Forward governed through the city of Warren in the state of Ohio.

Below are organizations endorsed by Integrity Beauty Women of Excellence.

World Mission Organizations:

Joyce Meyer Ministries - Hand of Hope World Missions

Joyce Meyer's Hand of Hope is all about changing hearts and lives. Every day Joyce Meyer's Hand Of Hope is bringing humanitarian relief and the love of God to thousands of people who are in need.

JH Ministries - Crowns For Glory

JH Ministries is a ministry of restoration and healing, that brings hope and God's divine purpose.

Preparing all for their eternal crown.

"You will be a crown of splendor in the Lord's hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your God."

- Isaiah 62:3 NIV

A very special thanks to Integrity Beauty Women of Excellence for sharing in my vision, by paying it forward, here are a few photos of how you are helping us Worldwide... Together we are feeding the poor in the streets, the little girl in the photo is holding a food bag that we gave to her and many others in Guatemala, the officer received a salvation trac, and we are reaching the orphan children with God's love and a gift, and so much more... I Thank God for your sharing heart as we continue to "KIngdom Build" that is bringing Love, Hope and Healing...Amen! (John 3:16) God's Rich Abundance - Janice Hollan - JH Ministries

About Integrity Beauty

History FAQ Pay It Forward


"When I was first introduced to IB, Roberta showed me such a wonderful friendship I had not seen in a long time. We meet people from all walks of life, but do we ever really SEE them? Roberta has a dream, a dream of showing the world how special and beautiful a woman's heart can and will be through Jesus. She sees more than the broken parts which we often force our focus and encourages us as women to use our voice, which is strengthened by the trials in our life, to uplift others. I have been honored by the women I've met and the new friendships which have been made through IB. We are not perfect, we were once broken vessels that have healed, maybe still healing, but we strive to show the world that Jesus still is in control and He will always be constant in the lives of those who want His help, love and mercy! IB is one of those special programs which not only inspires but also honors women who are still up for fighting for what is right and Christ like in this dying world. I'm very proud to know Roberta and participate in her dream of Integrity Beauty!"

- Lady Kelley Bracken-Rainey

Director, World Universal Pageant