That's love

by Roberta Cykon

That's love...

By Pastor Bobby Schuller

"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."
-Romans 12:21

When we feel affection towards a person, we most likely love that person, but love does not mean affection. Love does not always mean warm and fuzzy feelings.

Love means that you do right by people and that you want the best for them, even when they harm you. That's why you can turn to a stranger, shake his or her hand, and say, "God loves you, and so do I." You can mean that genuinely.

That means that, if that person fell, you would help them get up. It means that, if that person was hungry and they came to you, even though they're a stranger, you'd give them bread. Love means that you genuinely care about a person even though you've never met them.

That's what Christian love is. That's agape.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to do right by the people that are hard to love. Amen.

Reflection: Who in your life is hard to love? How can you show agape love to them today?


"I am so very honored to be the Inaugural Integrity Beauty of Grace and the 2011 National Spokesperson for Integrity Beauty Women of Excellence! My life has changed in a mighty way knowing Roberta and being a part of her wonderful ministry. I thank God for our divine connection and lifelong sisterhood! Roberta Cykon truly is a blessing to all who meet her! Peace & Beauty!"

- Sonja Elise Freeman