Roberta Cykon


In Memory of Helen L. Albert

Roberta M. Cykon, CCP, President and Founder of Motivation For You, LLC lives in Fowler, Ohio with her family. She is passionate about God and the ministry to which He has called her, especially as it relates to healing, volunteering, and elder's rights. Roberta has received great inspiration from Joyce Meyer Ministries. Roberta has accumulated experience in the areas of transition, grief coaching, grief and motivation based facilitation, and leadership development training and coaching. Motivation For You serves individuals and families, providing various forms of coaching, professional encouraging and assistance during bereavement, transition, and many other areas. Roberta has been effective in helping individuals and families create resilience in recovering from setbacks, become focused on the present to achieve their vision and more equipped to seize opportunities especially those individuals who are in a life changing or challenging situation. She has been a key note speaker at several workshops all aimed at positively impacting a hurting world.

Roberta is also the Founder and International Director of Integrity Beauty Women of Excellence, focused on teaching women to live a life of excellence and principals which typify the Proverbs 31 woman. Roberta’s desire is to heal a hurting world one person at a time. Roberta is dedicated to heal hearts and inspire lives. Roberta believes that if you continue to sit idle, this world will not change. You have to be willing to get up and be bold enough to take the chance to allow others to hear your testimony. Roberta believes strongly in disclosure and feels it is awesome to know the life experience that you may once have felt shamed about, can save thousands of lives and give them a renewed sense of hope.

Roberta believes in making a difference by helping others realize and achieve greatness, passion, and excellence in their lives. It is her passion, to help those who feel that they do not have a voice to be heard. Roberta’s journey has given her the capacity to use her openness and ability to listen and talk to people boldly without shame or guilt. Roberta believes that God has a purpose for her in using her life's experiences in sharing her testimony to empower others. Roberta is blessed with the opportunity to speak with so many who have a true passion to help heal this hurting world and inspire others lives’ but do not have a positive direction to know how to motivate themselves and allow their passions to be heard. Roberta simply loves to help others use their pain and create a purpose for their lives that they have left in their shadow.


"I met Roberta through a couple of my dear friends. She came into my life at the time I needed spiritual guidance and assurance that my life was worth while. She changed my life forever. I was her Ambassador, “Integrity Beauty Woman of Possibilities 2011″ The title was given to me because with her love and support I have learned that “With God, all things are possible”. I wanted to go out and share this specific message to others. And, I strive to make a difference with my own pageant system, Today’s American Woman by enriching women’s lives through teaching them to give back to others by volunteerism and sharing love and acceptance.

Roberta is always inspiring in her sweet words and her messages that she leaves for us. She is truly living Ms Alberts dream to share the words of loving, caring and sharing."

- Jera Lynn Anders