International Woman of Excellence - 2015

Elizabeth Mbata

Elizabeth Mbata is 27 years old and is a native of Nairobi, Kenya and resides in Kisumu. Elizabeth has a certification in Business Administration. Elizabeth has a passion to work with women who have experienced various forms of abuse in life. She has a passion to reach out to women and help assist to transform their lives. Elizabeth loves to help make others smile. It is her goal to put a smile on every face that she comes across in life. Elizabeth's mission in life is to touch as many lives as she can and to be a blessing to others. Elizabeth believes that no matter what a person is going to come across, good or bad, they should love the experience, because it defines a person's character.

Elizabeth loves to encourage other's through self expression and creating powerful quotes that will help encourage others to move forward emotionally in life. Elizabeth has a passion to reach out to the poor, widows and orphans. Elizabeth has been active in province in Nyanza, Kenya in providing orphans with books, uniforms and she is a dedicated advocate for juvenile females to get an education.


"IB has been a great experience, during my year of reign I have used my title to go out and make appearances with my local Kiwanis club. It has given me the opportunity to meet new people and gain new experiences. I have had so much fun being an IB title holder, and I would recommend it to anyone wanting to better themselves through pageantry."

- Sarah Pace

Miss Integrity Beauty 2010